Kids on Bikes Save the Day—A Top Ten List

When you're a kid, your bike will take you places you've never been before. It's your first real taste of independence and, ultimately, freedom. It starts with that first pushback against mom—who tells you not to go around the entire block. Then you do. She tells you not to cross the big street into the... Continue Reading →

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Use the Best Words Available

Resident.  Pedestrian.  Citizen. On more than one occasion, a consultant or manager has told me not to use these words because they're not relatable; viewers don't say them in casual conversation, or only police or public officials use them. I say malarky and poppycock (Words that are actually unrelatable). Yes, there could be more precise... Continue Reading →

Start Strong

Think of your first sentence as the moment a sprinter takes off in a 40-yard dash. One foot should be firmly planted. The eyes should be focused straight ahead. Muscles should launch the runner's other foot forward, creating momentum that will carry them through the next few seconds. In writing, that means firm structure, focused... Continue Reading →

Working Toward a Classic

A lot of movies become classics years after they're first released. They don't change but our appreciation for them changes as they continue to show up in our lives. The Wizard of Oz and The Shining were blasted by critics but are now some of the most treasured films of all time. Modern games are... Continue Reading →

Every day for 17 years, I pursued my deadline as a news producer with the fervor of a religious zealot. My rundown—a prophecy of stories. My scripts—mini manifests of my vision. I conjured images and sound to help spread my gospel. Through the day I crafted a sermon of wildfires, peeping toms, home runs, and seals... Continue Reading →

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